How the Biden administration’s China trade policy will affect U.S. businesses


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Credit: Photo by Pat Whelen on Unsplash

U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai recently announced the results of the long-awaited strategic review of the U.S.-China trade relationship, yet many open questions remain. In this episode of China Corner Office, Chris Marquis is joined by Craig Allen, president of the US-China Business Council (USCBC), and Anna Ashton, vice president of government affairs at the USCBC, to discuss the state of the U.S.-China trade policy and what to expect in the future. In addition to reviewing the ongoing issues of tariffs and the phase one commitments, Craig and Anna reflect on how many events this fall such as the U.S.-China virtual summit, G20 meeting, APEC, and COP26 should provide further clarity to the U.S.-China relationship. Overall, the conversation takes a big-picture view of U.S.-China relations and how the Biden administration’s plans intersect with congressional priorities and also the strategies of our EU allies.

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