Phrase of the Week
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A young hero takes on Tencent — phrase of the week
A young man called out Tencent for abusive work practices and became a hero on Chinese social media. Watch out for him, cautioned one commenter, using an old Cantonese saying.
The system has failed society’s most vulnerable — phrase of the week
Chinese internet users were full of sympathy for a migrant worker whose movements were made public for COVID contact tracing, and used a colloquial phrase to describe his plight.
Baidu woke up early but was late to market — phrase of the week
Baidu had a head start in self-driving cars but may have wasted its lead, and there’s a Chinese proverb for that.
Treat the symptoms but not the disease — phrase of the week
Did the Xi’an government “treat the head when it hurts, and treat the foot when it hurts” when it came to the city’s COVID lockdown?
Pushover persimmon — phrase of the week
Did Intel “pinch China’s soft persimmon” with a recent Xinjiang-related apology?
Pure grandstanding — phrase of the week
Mere symbolism or “pure grandstanding” is how Beijing characterized U.S. moves to boycott the Winter Games.