Update from Beijing // tagged articles
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As normal as Beijing is going to get, for a while
I’ve been going to Chaoyang Park — Beijing’s version of Central Park, only about 15% smaller — every weekend since the beginning of March, and…
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A good China story, from Beijing
It’s been said by way of critique that Western mainstream media tends to sift China stories into one of three categories: Good China, Bad China…
Update from Beijing, where life is not quite returning to normal
In Beijing these days, it’s almost possible to believe China really has stamped out the coronavirus. There are traffic jams during rush hour, malls have…
In Beijing, social monitoring and control turns Kafkaesque
Photo by Nina Dillenz “From China’s perspective, without redoubled efforts, it may be just a matter of time before the virus gets back in,” I…
Meanwhile, in Beijing: An exhale
While Americans begin to settle into their new reality, this past weekend in Beijing, coinciding with blue skies and spring weather, felt like an exhale…
Live from Beijing: It’s spring and we’re all restless
About three weeks ago, they stopped letting delivery people into the neighborhood where I live, a nearly one-square-kilometer block carved up by small alleys. Checkpoints…